This game combines 400 multiple choice quotes from the book of Proverbs, and a state-of-the-art interactive board game. Players may select questions from the New King James Version and New International Version. The iPad and tablet users will also enjoy board game illustrations that chronicle the life of Solomon. The user-friendly programming removes the guess work and blends chance, knowledge, and strategy. The first player to build Solomon’s temple wins!
Popup windows provide easy step-by-step guidance for the players. This removes the guess work and gives players the ability to relax, focus on the biblical quotes of wisdom, and enjoy the game!
Multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank proverbs spoken by King Solomon provides wisdom that you can apply to your life and family. You can relax knowing your loved ones are spending quality time as they have fun gaining biblical truth.
By chance, the game tokens move 1 to 3 spaces, and 2 to 4 Blessing cards are granted per move. A knowledge of the book of Proverbs is helpful but not necessary. Use strategy when determining when to trade your Blessing cards and extra tiles in order to optimize your chances for winning.
Have tons of fun building Solomon’s temple with colored tiles (gold, cypress and cedar) as you navigate your way through the game. The first player to complete their Solomon’s temple scorecard wins!
Wisdomantics is a fun and interactive game for players who desire to gain the vast wisdom of King Solomon. The game’s intent is to bring players together in a fun environment and impart them with wisdom from Solomon that they can then apply to their own lives. The 400 multiple choice questions/quotes are actual scriptures taken directly from the book of Proverbs. Players have the option of utilizing the NKJV and NIV translations.
The game board illustrations chronicle Solomon’s life. They begin with Solomon’s most notable acts and achievements and end with a divided kingdom through his disobedience and rebellion. In 1 Kings 6:14-22, we see that Solomon built the temple floors with cypress wood, the temple walls with cedar wood, and overlaid the temple with gold. To replicate Solomon’s temple, players receive colored tiles (gold, cypress, and cedar) as they navigate the game board. The first player to complete their temple scorecard wins!
Focusing on the games spiritual content and value, players may give a brief praise report (testimony) if they land on the Praise Report space. Also, players may briefly request prayer for themselves or others if they land on the Petition a Prayer Request space. Be careful, you will have to lose a turn if Solomon orders you to report to the Detention Chambers. The variable action will keep you entertained throughout the game!
The iOS app requires 8.0 and higher, and is compatible with the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. The Android app requires 4.1 and higher, and is compatible with smartphones, and tablets.
Play against 2-4 players anywhere in the world.
Challenge the computer and play against 1-3 bots.
Play 2-4 players in person and share one device.
Players may select questions from the New King James Version (NKJV) and New International Version (NIV) of the Holy Bible.
Players may track their achievements and compare high scores on the leader boards.
In some instances, younger children will also enjoy this interactive board game because many of them are tech-savvy and can easily follow the popups which guide players through the game. You can even turn off sound for privacy.
You can share via email, Facebook, Twitter, chat, and more.
iOS & Android devices can compete against each other.
A.New Solo Game: Challenge the computer and play against 1 - 3 robots (bots).
B.New Pass & Play Game: Play a 2 - 4 player game, in person, on one device.
C.Multiplayer Game: Play a 2 – 4 player game with players locally or worldwide. To utilize chat, tap the “Settings” and “Game Settings” buttons, then turn on chat.
Before you create a game, tap the “Settings” then “Game Settings” buttons to select your questions from the NKJV or NIV. Preferences remain until changed.
A. The "Question card" popup and the token for the active player will appear on the screen. The player may "Make a Trade" or answer a "New Question."
B. Trading Blessing cards and extra cypress, cedar, and gold tiles - Players may trade 3 Blessing cards or any combination of 3 extra tiles for 1 tile of choice. When a player only has 1 vacant space remaining on their scorecard, they may trade 7 Blessing cards or any combination of 7 extra tiles for the winning tile.
A. Tap the "New Question" button and the new question will initially appear with 30 seconds in the timer window. If a player answers their question correctly on the first attempt, they will receive an Advancement card and be rewarded as directed. If instructed to move spaces, tap on the flashing space and your token will advance.
B. If the correct answer was not selected on the first attempt, the next player will have 20 seconds to answer the question. Finally, if the correct answer was not selected, the next player will have 10 seconds to answer the question.
C. If a player correctly answers questions on the second or final attempts, 1 gold tile will be added to their temple scorecard.
A. Sabbath/Start space - Players will receive 1 tile of choice after completing a revolution around the board.
B. Praise Report space - When a player's token rests on this space, they will give a brief praise report of what God has done or is currently doing in their life.
C. Detention Chambers space - When a player's token inadvertently rests on this space, the player is "Visiting Inmates" and 1 gold tile will be added to the player's temple scorecard.
However, when a player is ordered to report to the Detention Chambers, their token will advance to that space and they will lose their next turn.
D. Petition a Prayer Request space - When a player's token rests on this space, they will discreetly petition a brief prayer request on behalf of themself or others.
A. The first player to build Solomon's temple wins!
A. New Solo Game: Challenge the computer and play against 1 - 3 robots (bots). The human player will always be Player 1. Movement for the tokens and activity for the bots will be displayed in the "Game log" section of the screen.
B. New Pass & Play Game: Play a 2 - 4 player game, in person, on one device.
C. New Multiplayer Game: Play a 2 - 4 player game with players locally or worldwide.To utilize chat in the Multiplayer mode, tap the following buttons: "Settings", "Game Settings", and turn on chat. Tap the "New Multiplayer Game" button and create a Public or Private game. For detailed instructions, please see section VII.
Before you create a game, tap the “Settings” then “Game Settings” buttons to select your questions from the NKJV or NIV. Preferences remain until changed.
A. The "Question card" popup and the token for the active player will appear on the screen. The player may "Make a Trade" or answer a "New Question".
B. Trading Blessing cards and extra cypress, cedar, and gold tiles – The quantity boxes for the Blessing cards and extra tiles are located above the player’s scorecards. Players may trade 3 Blessing cards or any combination of 3 extra tiles for 1 tile of choice. When a player only has 1 vacant space remaining on their scorecard, they may trade 7 Blessing cards or any combination of 7 extra tiles for the winning tile.
When trading, one tile of each required type will flash. After selecting a flashing tile, the tile will be added to their temple scorecard and the appropriate number of Blessing cards or extra tiles will be deducted from the quantity boxes. Players may only make 1 trade before answering a new question.
A. Tap the "New Question" button and the new question will initially appear with 30 seconds in the timer window.
If a player answers their question correctly on the first attempt, a “Correct” popup will appear, showing the chapter and verse of the proverb. Tap “Read an Advancement Card” and that popup will appear. If a player receives a Miracle card, they will tap the “Ok” button: 3 gold tiles will be added to their temple scorecard and 3 Blessing cards will be added to their quantity box. Otherwise, tap the “Move My Token” button and your corresponding space will begin to flash on the board. After tapping the flashing space, your token will advance to that space and the Blessing cards will be added to the player’s quantity box.
When a player’s game token rests on a cypress, cedar, or gold space, the corresponding tile will be added to the player’s temple scorecard. Once a player’s scorecard has been filled with a particular tile, extra tiles of similar type will be added in their appropriate quantity boxes above the player’s scorecard.
B. If the correct answer was not selected on the first attempt, an “Incorrect” popup will appear with the token for the next player showing as the active player. That player will tap the “Second Attempt” button and the question will reappear with 20 seconds in the timer window.
Finally, if the correct answer was not selected, an “Incorrect” popup will appear with the token for the next player showing as the active player. That player will tap the “Final Attempt” button and the question will reappear with 10 seconds in the timer window. If the correct answer was not selected, an “Incorrect” popup will appear, the question will be voided, and the Question card will be passed to the next active player. Players will automatically be given a new question after 2 consecutive incorrect answers in a 2-player game or 3 consecutive incorrect answers in a 3-4 player game.
C. If a player correctly answers questions on the second or final attempts, a "Correct" popup will appear, showing the chapter and verse of the proverb.
Tap the "Ok" button and 1 gold tile will be added to the player's temple scorecard.
A. Sabbath/Start space - The token for each player will rest on this space at the start of each game. Players will receive 1 tile of choice after completing 1 revolution around the board. If a player passes the Start space after having been ordered to report to the Detention Chambers, they will not receive 1 tile of choice.
B. Praise Report space - When a player’s token rests on this space, a 30 second timer will appear above the player’s scorecard and countdown will commence. The player will then give a brief praise report of what God has done or is currently doing in their life. The player will tap the “Ok” button and/or timer when finished and 6 Blessing cards will be added to their quantity box.
C. Detention Chambers space - When a player's token inadvertently rests on this space, the player is considered "Visiting Inmates" and 1 gold tile will be added to the player's temple scorecard.
However, when a player is ordered to report to the Detention Chambers, their token will advance to that space and they will lose their next turn.
If the player passed the Start space while en route, they will not receive 1 tile of choice. Additionally, the player is restricted from all activity until they have lost their next turn and received the Question card again.
D. Petition a Prayer Request space - When a player's token rests on this space, a 30 second timer will appear above the player's scorecard and countdown will commence. The player will then discreetly petition a brief prayer request on behalf of themself or others. The player will tap the "Ok" button and/or timer when finished and 2 gold tiles will be added to the player's temple scorecard.
A. Trade 3 Blessing cards or any combination of 3 extra tiles for the tiles required to fill empty spaces on the temple scorecards. That number increases to 7 when one tile is required to win. The first player to build Solomon’s temple wins!
Note: It is recommended that players utilize their Gamecenter names. This will enable the iOS Leaderboard and Android Google Play to track players scores and rankings. To utilize this feature, tap the “Settings” button located on the Menu screen and Profile will be highlighted. You may switch names at the prompt.
How to add friends:
A. Tap the “NMG” button and create a Public game. Next, wait for other players to join your game. As other players join, a will appear on their token. If you choose to play a game without adding a player(s) to your friends, simply start the game after their token(s) have been added. To add a player to your “Friends”, tap the
on their token and the symbol will change to a
. The
symbol will appear on a token identified as your friend.
Sending and receiving invitations:
B. Once you’ve placed a on a token, that player(s) will receive an invitation from you. The number of invitations received will appear on the “Friends” button located on the Menu screen. To see your friends and invitations, tap the “Friends” button and you may toggle between “My friends” and “Invites”. To add a friend from invites, select their name and tap “Add”. When an invitation has been accepted, the player will be shown in “My Friends”. You may also remove friends or invites from that prompt as well.
Joining or creating a Public game:
C. To join, tap the “NMG” button and select “Public Game”. Players who have started a Public game will appear on your screen. Select a player and your token will be added to their game. Before you create a Public game, tap the “Settings” then “Game Settings” buttons to select your questions from the NKJV or NIV. Your preference will remain until you change it. Next, tap the “NMG” button, confirm that “Public Game” is highlighted, then select “Create New Game”. Finally, wait for other players to join. You may start the game with 2-4 players.
Joining or creating a Private game:
D. To join, you must be invited by a friend. The number of your invitations will appear on the “NMG” button. Tap that button and select “Private Game”. Next, select the name of the friend who invited you, (name(s) will appear in white font). The name(s) of other players invited to that game will appear in (gold font). Next, your game token will be added to that game with the symbol of the attached to show you are friends.
Before you create a Private game, tap the “Settings” then “Game Settings” buttons to select your questions from the NKJV or NIV. After that, tap the “NMG” button and select “Create New Game”. Select “Private Game” then tap “Add Player”. Select 1 or more of your friends from the list, then tap “Invite”. Your friend(s) will now have an invitation that will appear on their “NMG” button. When the player selects that button, and taps your name, they will be added to your game.
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